When I was a child I had several imaginary friends. I did all sorts of things with them. They were a huge part of my childhood. As I became an adult I lost track of them and forgot them.
As I aged I realized I was quite intuitive. I started to gain insight that listening to my intuition was listening to my unseen friends/guides. I believe we all have helpers that walk with us on our path. When we get in touch with them, they help us stay on track with our life purpose here.
When we listen and watch for signs, magical things start to happen. Our life becomes full of synchronicity's and is easy, fun and joyful. Our goals and dreams then become effortless.
I get clear messages when I listen and watch for them. These signs might come from a song, television show, a movie, animals, nature or a license plate, just to name a few. Listen and watch for them daily.
My goal is to teach my clients to get in touch with their unseen friends/guides by watching for the signs and listening to them.
For over 28 years I have worked in the Movie and Television industry. Much of my success in life comes from listening and watching for the signs so I'm at the right place at the right time.
Anything you have to force is not for you. What is meant for you will come easy. We can will or manifest all sorts of things that are not on our life path. This creates karma.
I would like to help you know your value and yourself on a deep level. When we know who we are and trust, we will be loved and accepted for our true self people can not take advantage of us.
I do a recording for you and then a follow up on the phone. Al together the reading can be several hours.
The key to anything good and lasting in life is kindness.
Anything done with love is love. Anything else turns into karma.
Photo by SNL Photographer Norm Ng
“Love yourself and everything will fall into place.” — Lucille Ball
Photos by the renowned Joseph Valentine : www.josephvalentine.com
As an, Empath my goal is to work with sensitivity to understand and help as your Life Coach/Astrologer Profiler. It is my belief that we all have a destiny and a mission here. If we don’t force life and live from our hearts our life path opens up.
"Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. Uh-uh. But rather, it’s a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite sublime plan and that if we are to live life in harmony with the universe, we must all possess a powerful faith in what the ancients used to call “fatum” what we currently refer to as destiny.” —from film: “Serendipity”
I have also, worked in Hollywood for over 28 years on some of the biggest movies and TV shows. I'm also a personal decorator and a screenwriter.
I have studied with many great astrologers over the last 3 decades. I currently study with David L. Palmer, The Leo King.
Photo by SNL Photographer Norm Ng
Together we will discover the career that is meant for you and bring you financial gain, and the personal relationships that are for your highest good. I will map out your coming year to help you gain a better understanding of which direction to take, and steer you towards finding the path you were intended to be on.
Meditation has been part of my daily routine for over 27 years now. I will teach you to use different tools such as colors, music and unseen forces to gain a another form of support for you. You will learn how to reprogram your unconscious mind and to replace negative beliefs and bad patterns into positive ones. Our charts are blueprints to our destiny. However, our thoughts and feelings help us create the best life as well as keep us on a high vibration.
When we learn to speak from the heart and listen to our intuition, and watch for signs then our life will flow with ease. When we stop forcing life and learn the art of allowing and stay in the vibration of self-love we can overcome many of our charts lower vibrations. Love is magic and when we learn to live by it-life becomes magical.
Our lives can be happy and full of abundance. When you are on the right path, life will start to flow and you will become more authentic and happiness and joy will become a part of you and your life.
I’m also experienced at reading the compatibility of a couple by doing your composite and synastry charts. We can work together to find the meaning of your relationships with friends, partners and relatives, and help you understand why some relationships are meant to last and others are just passing through.
I believe in the laws of the universe and when we live by them we can easily manifest our destiny and move towards a more loving and conscious life.
This part of my life’s work and passion
By Appointment
Please reach us at heidielizabetha@gmail.com
Please give me your country, state and town you were born in.
If you do not know the time, please let me know if was am or pm. If you do not know if was night or day, please contact me for other options.
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